Prenatal & Birth Services.
Experience the joy of natural birth with our holistic midwifery care. Empower yourself and your baby.
At Earthside, you will receive comprehensive, holistic, and empowering midwifery-led care during your pregnancy journey. We believe birth is a normal life event. Enjoy 45-minute prenatal visits with your midwife in our Birth and Wellness Center.
Earthside specializes in holistic, education-based midwifery care to support your natural birth at our center, whether it’s a water birth or in our queen-sized bed.
We provide:
Safety: We operate within the guidelines and regulations of the State of Wyoming Birth Center Regulations. Our midwives are licensed by the State and are highly trained for emergency situations. We work collaboratively with the local hospital and EMS, serving as a safety net.
Support: We believe that YOU know what’s best for you and your family. You are in charge of you, we are here to support you.
Education: Not only do our clients receive information and guidance during their prenatal visits, but we also require them to take childbirth education courses. This is empowering to learn how your body was made to give birth! There is so much to learn, and we are here to share it with you!
We provide standard prenatal care to our clients, which includes monthly prenatal appointments from 8-28 weeks, bi-weekly appointments from 28-34 weeks, and weekly appointments until labor begins. Our appointments include urinalysis, weight checks, blood pressure checks, fundal height measurements, fetal heart tones, and more! We also do standard bloodwork, which you can choose to do with us or at another lab. We require a dating ultrasound and a 20-week anatomy ultrasound to ensure the baby is healthy.
Interested in finding out if we are a good fit for you? We offer a free Earthside Birth and Wellness Center Tour. We can answer any questions you may have before starting care! Book here!
Visit our FAQ page or down below to learn more about who is considered a low-risk and healthy candidate for an out-of-hospital birth.
Earthside birth center birth is a low-risk woman who is looking for a holistic natural childbirth experience. We currently have an amazing Certified Nurse Midwife and offer a home-like environment with amenities including a birthing tub.
Some factors that may make you a good candidate for an Earthside birth center birth include:
-A low-risk pregnancy
-A singleton pregnancy
-A head-down baby
-A desire for natural childbirth
-A supportive partner or family member
Here are some of the benefits of having a birth center birth:
-A more relaxed and comfortable environment
-Less chance of interventions, such as episiotomy or cesarean section
-More control over the birth experience
-Lower cost than hospital birth
Earthside birth is a safe option for people who are healthy and low-risk. We cannot accept the following conditions for out-of-hospital birth:
-Heart disease
-Bleeding disorder and/or hemolytic disease
-Sickle cell anemia
-Moderate to severe renal disease
*It's important to note that this list is not comprehensive. If you have concerns about your eligibility for care due to a medical condition, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We want to emphasize that being on this list does not limit your access to any of our other services.