Managing Pain Naturally. Episode 4
Join us for Episode 4. Often women are interested in a birth center or out of hospital birth, but are worried that they won't be able to do it without an epidural. Kim and Sarah talk about how birth in midwifery care out of the hospital is a different animal, and how many coping strategies we have at our disposal!
Birthing our Center. Episode 3
Join us for episode 3. Allison and I share our story of how we brought Earthside Birth and Wellness Earthside!
Midwifery 101. Episode 2
Episode 2. Kim and Allison join me today to talk about what are similarities and differences for an Out of Hospital Birth, what midwives are trained to handle, and some of the equipment, supplies, and medications we carry at our birth center!
Welcome to Earthside Birth Podcast! Introduction, Episode 1.
Episode 1 is an introduction of your hosts, Sarah Morey and Kim Windels. We chat about midwifery care, Earthside Birth and Wellness, and new topics we will be bringing to you each month! We welcome any questions or topic ideas! Please submit any to