Childbirth Classes

Childbirth classes are designed to prepare you for the physical and emotional experience of childbirth.

Body Ready Birth® Childbirth Class

This in-depth Body Ready Birth® childbirth class is a 3 week series, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-8pm. (A total of 6 class periods, 12 hours of instruction). Taught in a group setting, your instructors, Meghan Woytenko, doula and certified Body-Ready Instructor and Sarah Morey, doula and Certified Lactation Counselor, cover everything you need to know to prepare for a positive and empowering birth experience! This class is geared toward families wanting to learn movement and coping techniques for an unmedicated labor. The last class of this series covers everything you need to know to be successful with breastfeeding. This series includes class materials as well.

Upcoming classes:

• January 7 - January 23

• March 4 - March 20

Topics include:

  • Phases and Stages of Labor and Birth

  • Hormones at play in labor and birth

  • Nutrition and exercise in pregnancy

  • Breathing Techniques

  • Relaxation techniques

  • Placenta delivery and delayed cord clamping

  • Pain, relaxation, and the mind-body connection

  • Options in the hospital (eating and drinking, monitoring, IVs, induction, etc)

  • How to ask questions to get an informed choic

Empower yourself through knowledge, information, and support!

"Birth is not only about making babies. birth is about making mothers...strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength."

— Barbara Katz Rothman